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The Current Problem with Plastic

Why is recycling not enough?

Sad to say, as important as recycling is, whatever is created, whether reconfigured and reused or not, ultimately needs to be disposed of. The same toxic substances end up polluting the environment in the long run.

Resources to better understand the problem with plastic:

The Plastic Pollution Coalition is a growing global alliance of individuals, organizations, businesses, and policymakers working toward a world free of plastic pollution and its toxic impacts on humans, animals, waterways and oceans, and the environment.

A good overall article from the Huffington Post: The Oceans are Drowning in Plastic and No One's Paying Attention

A sobering new study shows that reefs in four countries, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia and Myanmar are heavily contaminated with plastic that is killng them. Plastic Pollution Is Killing Coral Reefs, 4-Year Study Finds

How plastic got started: A brief history of plastic

Straws are one of the worst manifestations of plastic: The Problem with Straws

Some great videos that illustrate how plastic is destroying the environment:
A heartwrenching (and at times disturbing) video from the United Nations on The Plastic Ocean (7 mins)
A PBS video on How Much Plastic is in the Ocean? (5 mins)
A CBC documentary on the Battle of the Bag (45 min)

Learn about the current problem, what you can do about it, and then take the Plastic Challenge



The Current Problem
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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