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Second Quarter 2024

Download the GreenFriends North America Quarter 2 2024 newsletter as a PDF

To subscribe to the GreenFriends North America newsletter, go to https://lists.ammagroups.org

If you are not currently a subscriber to the Amma North America Mailing List, simply click on Sign Up/Subscribe and after you have entered your name, address, etc. be sure to click on the box next to "Subscribe to GreenFriends" and save it.

If you are already a subscriber, but you are not currently receiving the GreenFriends newsletter, follow these steps:

  • If you know your password, enter your email address and password, log in and click the box next to "Subscribe to GreenFriends" (see example below) and save it.

If you do not remember your password, choose "Forgot Password"

  • You will get a "Lost password request" email
  • Confirm that you initiated the request by clicking on the link in the e-mail.
  • You will get another e-mail titled "Your new password".
  • Click on the link to log into your personal record and then click next to "Subscribe to GreenFriends" (see example below) and save it.


Past GreenFriends North America Newsletters

Quarter 1 2024 Newsletter

Quarter 4 2023 Newsletter

Quarter 3 2023 Newsletter

Quarter 2 2023 Newsletter

Quarter 1 2023 Newsletter

Quarter 4 2022 Newsletter

Quarter 3 2022 Newsletter

Quarter 2 2022 Newsletter

Quarter 1 2022 Newsletter

Quarter 4 2021 Newsletter

Quarter 3 2021 Newsletter

Quarter 2 2021 Newsletter

Quarter 1 2021 Newsletter

Fall 2020 Newsletter

Summer 2020 Newsletter

Spring 2020 Newsletter

"Man is dependent on Nature for his very existence. Nature is an indispensable part of life on earth. Without Nature no creature, not man or anything else, can live. Therefore, it is one of our foremost duties to lovingly care for all living things."

- Amma


Home Source Reduction Friends of Green Friends Newsletters Resources What You Can Do Embracing The Trees

For more information, e-mail info@greenfriendsna.org