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GreenFriends Gardening
Amma kissing tulsi

Amma says we should plant gardens whenever we can. Even if we have limited space, there are lots of ways to plant gardens. We don't even need to have a yard or outdoor space. Gardens can be started both indoors and out, on baclonys and/or patios. Here are a numner of stories and resources for gardening.

"Even if only we have a tiny plot of land, we should try to grow a few vegetables using organic fertilizers. Spending some time with our plants, we should talk to them, kiss them and sing to them. This relationship will give us new vitality." - Amma

"Each family should plant a vegetable garden that can provide food for at least one day per month. Even aparments residents can grow vegetables in window boxes and on terraces." - Amma

Antidepressant Microbes In Soil: How Dirt Makes You Happy

Guidelines for Starting Seeds Indoors

Amritaculture Sustainable Gardening

Water is Sacred

Gardening Resources

Gardening with Youth

My First Vegetable Garden

Trench Composting

Lessons I Learned from Gardening

Milk Crate Composting: Easy and Effective Ideas for Backyards & Balconies

Bluebirds of Happiness

Daily Ponderings at the Amma Center of New Mexico Garden

An Inquiry into the Lotus Garden at the San Ramon Ashram

Growing Food in Small Spaces

Indoor Gardening Guide

Temperature and Watering Tips for Planting

Clay Pot Irrigation

Sprouts in North America

Pigeon Garden

Get Growing Organically

Gardening For Beginners: The A-Z Guide To Starting Your First Garden

40 Genius Space-Savvy Small Garden Ideas and Solutions

Design a Beautiful Urban Garden with These 26 Ideas

Vegetable Starting Times and High Altitude Strategies

How to Plant a Fall Garden



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Home Source Reduction Friends of Green Friends Newsletters Resources What You Can Do Embracing The Trees

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