During the past year, GreenFriends New England has met several times at the New England MA Center in Boylston, MA, to discuss the direction of GreenFriends in our region. Our “GreenFriends Working Days” consisted of outdoor meditation, morning and afternoon discussions, lunch on the deck, a walk around the property, and a Skype session about the holy basil plant, Tulasi, with a Long Island devotee.
Our first project, The InDeed Challenge, has consisted of pledges of the InDeed Campaign. Now that we are familiar with the six pledges, satsang members are choosing one small step to take toward sustainable living that is new to them.
So far, several people are growing their own veggies, one person has started composting, one is conserving water while washing the dishes, and a family is now air-drying their clothes. We are confident that many more Earth-friendly steps will be taken before we see Amma in Marlborough!
Aum Amiteswaryai Namah!