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Re-Usable Grocery Bags - by Beth Adler
My bag collection
A Sampling of My Bag Collection
Several years ago, I committed to bringing my own, reusable grocery bags to the store. Many stores were giving these bags away or selling them for 99 cents. I would take the free ones, and buy more if the groceries would not all fit in the ones I had. I now have a hardy collection of these bags!

I keep them in the trunk of my car. When I first started I would forget to bring the bags into the store a lot. When that happened, I would just take the store’s plastic or paper bag. I finally resolved that if I forgot to bring the bags into the store I would go back out to the car and get them. This cured me quickly of forgetting the bags!

Now that I was remembering to bring the bags into the store, the next small hurdle was remembering to put them back in the trunk after they came into the house to be unloaded. My fix was to hang the empty bags on the garage door handle, this way, as I exit the house, it is almost impossible to forget to grab the bags.

I’ll be honest, it took me awhile to finally remember to bring the bags in consistently, and to get them back into the car, and I was frustrated and kicking myself every time I forgot. But when I remembered, it felt good.

Now it is an in-grained habit and I almost never forget – and when I do, I will ask if I can take my items without a bag.

Do you have a personal story to tell about how you are working to address the problem with plastic? Send it in (preferrably with photos) to info@greenfriendsna.org

Bags on the doorknob
Bags on garage doorknob waiting to go to the car


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