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Gardening Resources What You Can Do Embracing The Trees
Nature Offers Us the Most Precious Gift of Life!
Evening sun brightens the Owyhee River Canyon, Oregon Camping in Owyhee River Canyon, Oregon
Evening sun brightens the Owyhee River Canyon, Oregon
Camping in Owyhee River Canyon, Oregon

How often do we connect with nature in our busy life? We get caught in a rut in our daily life; we spend most of our time in built environments - homes, office buildings, schools, shopping malls, cars and factories. No wonder we often do not live in harmony with nature.

Let’s learn to spend quality time in nature; immerse ourselves in the outdoors as often as our life permits. We certainly can, especially in warmer weather! For example, I volunteer at a youth farm on a weekly basis during the growing season. And, I commute to work on a bicycle, reducing my carbon footprint. I may have bicycled 50,000 miles in the last 50 years.

We can seek opportunities like gardening, camping and hiking, or simply walking in nearby nature areas - rivers and lakes, coast, etc. Last month, I spent five days camping, hiking and rafting for over 60 miles in the Owyhee River Canyon wilderness. I did not look forward to returning to the city life after that immersion.

Hiking the McArthur Ridge Trail, Oregon Cascades Hugging a big Pondorosa Pine tree in Central Oregon
Hiking the McArthur Ridge Trail, Oregon Cascades
Hugging a big Ponderosa Pine tree in Central Oregon - Photo by Mel Bankoff

My 88-year-old friend, Paul composts all his yard waste in a big home-made compost pile and grows organic veggies. Govind, a local Amma devotee has severe back pain and he gardens employing scores of potted plants. We all find living closer to nature allows us to live fully.

Amma says, "Nature is God in another form."

Let us protect and respect the natural world.

Hiking the McArthur Ridge Trail, Oregon Cascades
Hugging a big Pondorosa Pine tree in Central Oregon
My friend Paul has "Walking Onions" in his garden
Paul composts all his yard waste in his garden

Our backyard garden holds promise of fresh veggies Camping in Owyhee River Canyon, Oregon
Our backyard garden holds promise of fresh veggies
Govind finds large pots offer an easy way to grow his plants

Sunset in Yachats on the central Oregon coast Snow-fed mountain streams bring us water year around
Sunset in Yachats on the central Oregon coast
Snow-fed mountain streams bring us water year-round

Amma says, "We are the ocean, not waves."

Nature is our home. Let's protect and respect nature.

Photographic essay - Arun Narayan Toké, Eugene, Oregon


Read Amma’s 2024 Vishu message in the Q2 2024 Newsletter >>

Home Source Reduction Friends of Green Friends Newsletters Resources What You Can Do Embracing The Trees

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