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Planting Trees in Amma’s Name |
Launched in 2021, Embracing The Trees is a program to honor Amma’s wish for us to plant trees. Several devotees in New England responded to the call and formed our regional team, Embracing the Trees New England. With the support of the national team led by Swamini Ambikamrita Prana, we began meeting to brainstorm strategies for the project. Our first initiative was sending a survey to the New England mailing list.
Nandita was our first respondent to the outreach, which asked for New England homeowners with land for tree-planting. Nandita’s home is in Redding Connecticut and abuts the elementary school. Planting trees along her driveway would add green life to her own property as well as bless the school community. We planned the project over several zoom calls, looking at images of Nandita’s property and developing a plan, coached by our group’s tree expert, Victoria. Nandita desired to plant Arbor Vitae trees, and would order from a local nursery or Home Depot. Spacing considerations between trees, such as trees spread-out and fully-expressed, or planting them closer together for a thicker visual barrier, would determine how many trees to purchase. The New England ETT team suggested adding one or two fruit or nut trees to the project, but Nandita decided to keep it simple for her first endeavor of caring for young trees. Based on Victoria’s advice about watering needs prior to and after planting, a long hose would be needed. Other supplies such as compost and mulch were added to the list. |
![]() Love for the new babies (and water) |
On a beautiful Sunday in May, our ETT team of Lovelle, Victoria, and myself carpooled from New Hampshire and Massachusetts to southern Connecticut, where we were met by a local team prepared with shovels and enthusiasm. Julianna was the 6-year-old princess of shakti, dressed ready to work in cowboy boots (“Cowgirl boots!” she stomps.) A special daughter of Amma, Julie was conceived after Nandita and Satyadev asked Amma directly for Her sankalpa (prayer/resolve). Her curiosity, friendliness and love reminded our hearts of the childlike joy we feel around Amma–and our day was permeated by that priceless bliss. Ray, Eric, Kathleen and Caroline had also responded to the call, running to Amma seva like gopis and gopas. We initiated our project day with the Dhyayamo prayer to beseech Amma’s Grace and a couple of sun salutations to loosen the body before the physical effort of plunging our shovels into the soil. Our energetic team made quick work of digging holes for the nine Arbor Vitae, to be planted in a zig-zagged arrangement for more visual interest, and space for the trees to grow, rather than a straight line. We dug holes a bit deeper than the trees’ planting buckets, and about twice as wide. The removed dirt was mixed with compost, which would be used to backfill the space below and around the new trees’ root balls. This loose, nutrient-rich soil would invite the young trees’ tender roots to explore and grow. |
The trees were gently coaxed from their buckets, and we scuffed up the outer roots to “wake them up” and encourage them to branch out into their new environment. In teams of two we placed the trees in the holes, backfilling the extra space with the dirt and compost mixture. Filling the hole only to the top of the root ball, extra dirt was shaped into a circular berm (a low raised ridge) just outside the outer perimeter of the tree’s branches. This would allow rainwater dripping from its branches to stay collected close to the tree. Each tree received two buckets of water along with loving pats, encouraging words. The last step of the project was adding several inches of mulch atop the entire planted area. The mulch covered up the disturbed soil and created a unified appearance, as well as reducing moisture loss from the ground after each watering. We stood back and celebrated our effort, feeling gratitude as each tree sparkled with joy and pride. The nectar of satsang and seva fed extra nutrients to these young divine beings. Having nestled Amma’s new babies into the ground, we took our lunches and gathered on Nandita’s back porch for satsang. Our altar was a stunning piece of art created by someone who had not met Amma but had heard stories about Her through Nandita. It was clear that the artist had been touched deeply by Her Grace. The shades-of-white painting emanated Amma’s heavenly beauty, with unique three-dimensional flower adornments. |
Satyadev (Paul) Averignos led the satsang with original devotional songs and creative bhajan renditions. We chanted Amma’s 108 Names and read scriptural stories. Our spirits were captivated in the sensation of Amma’s presence with us on that porch. Our hearts opened through seva, devotion flowed freely. We shared divine friendship with palpable gratitude to gather in person after the long satsang drought due to COVID.
As the day closed, we bid farewell to the nine new sapling members of the Redding Connecticut satsang. Lined up like children waiting for a school bus, we wished the green babies well-being. Julianna was tasked with giving them friendly and loving attention. Our joy carried us home, bodies tired and hearts full. Ahalya, New Hampshire
![]() Nine new satsang members! |
Are you a New England devotee who would like to plant trees in Amma’s Name on your land? Embracing the Trees would love to support you and invite Amma’s Grace to your yard. After the summer heat, planting projects will resume. If you have already written to us or responded to our survey, thank you. We will be reaching out. Feel free to drop us another line, if you are ready to go! Contact: trees.ammane@ammagroups.org |
![]() Satsang with the divine painting |
Read Man and Nature from the Q3 2022 newsletter >>
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