GreenFriends Edmunds, OK
Amma’s Green Friends inspired us to create Turtle Barn Organic Farm in Edmond, Oklahoma.
The intention of Turtle Barn Organic Farm is to be a sanctuary for community members to become more in touch with nature and to grow their own food.

GreenFriends Quebec
A recent seedling workshop produced about fifty small cups of radish seeds, chives, peas, spinach, and more that will flourish in Quebec balconies.
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GreenFriends Victoria, BC
David Muncaster of Victoria, BC satsang writes about his experience with planting trees for free around Victoria.
GreenFriends New England
During the past year, GreenFriends New England has met several times at the New England MA Center in Boylston, MA, to discuss the direction of GreenFriends in our region...
GreenFriends Pacific Northwest
Projects include the Litter Project and Earth Day park restorations when we clear out invasive species and plant native species.

Volunteers have been raising bees organically at Amma's Canadian ashram in Toronto since 2009.
The honeybees are such an inspiration to all of us who have the joy and privilege of working with them.
GreenFriends activites at the Chicago Ashram ...

K-12 students from the Summers Knoll School in Ann Arbor participated in two field trips to the property. The children toured the new earthwork installations, planted sunflowers in the kratergarten and tasted freshly harvested honey from the farm.
GreenFriends Western North Carolina
Currently, WNC Green Friends is partnering with RiverLink, a regional non-profit spearheading the environmental revitalization of the French Broad River and its tributaries . Our volunteers meet at least once a month cleaning debris and restoring natural habitats along one of the oldest rivers in the world.
GreenFriends Farm
GreenFriends Farm began as a challenge to plant a thousand fruit trees on the overgrazed land of a former cattle ranch east of Oakland, California. Now it has become a center for cutting edge agriculture, a destination for enjoying nature, and a vibrant spot for volunteers of all ages and backgrounds.

GreenFriends San Ramon
San Ramon’s M.A. Center currently has many Green Friends initiatives, including recycling and reuse programs, water conservation programs, extensive orchard, garden and reforestation projects, as well as the whole ashram being completely solar powered. In addition, classes are regularly held on permaculture design, composting, the soil food web and more.
GreenFriends Los Angeles
There is an ancient prayer which states that the oceans are the garments of the Earth. Let's come together and clean out the stains which are sullying the clothing of our dear Mother Earth, one piece of trash at a time.

GreenFriends Atlanta
From cleaning up Atlanta's rivers, to ways to properly recycle milk cartons, to no-label deodorizing butter, to 12 source reduction actions, M. A. Center Atlanta embraces many GreenFriends initiatives.
Soil Food Web
Soil Food Web Intensive - an Intensive Course With Dr. Elaine Ingham

New Mexico GreenFriends is making efforts to keep Santa Fe clean.